Our story
2018 Annual ReportFrom the Commissioners
2018 was a banner year for Clermont County. Every month was filled with accomplishments. Jobs and housing continued to grow.
We’re proud of all the county employees who work so diligently to make Clermont a great place to live, work and raise a family. In this 2018 Annual Report we celebrate several of those employees. You can find out more about them in the Working for You videos.
Our thanks to all the residents of Clermont County. We are proud to represent you, and like you, we are proud to call Clermont County our home.

Commissioner David Painter

Commissioner Ed Humphrey
Vice President

Commissioner Claire Corcoran
2018 Monthly Milestones

Humphrey elected president
At the annual Reorganization Meeting, Commissioner Edwin H. Humphrey is elected President of the Board of County Commissioners for 2018 and Commissioner David L. Painter is elected Vice President.

Week of Appreciation
Ohio and Clermont County celebrate a Week of Appreciation thanking those who have been on the front lines of fighting the opioid epidemic, bringing help and hope.

Improvements on SR 32
Clermont County Transportation Improvement District begins a year-long project at Bells Lane in coordination with ODOT to improve travel along SR 32.

Dam breached
More than 60 volunteers turn out to collect mussels as a low-head dam is breached on the East Fork of the Little Miami River in the Village of Williamsburg. The stream will return its natural state.
Jobs | Infrastructure | HomeS
Our county economy continued to grow in 2018. Jobs grew, as more new businesses came to the county and existing businesses expanded. More people bought more new homes, and builders showed no signs of letting up. And infrastructure improvements continued to be made, especially along the crucial State Route 32 corridor.
Working For You
Meet the people behind the scenes who work to make Clermont County better every day! They work hard every day to provide excellent customer service to the citizens of Clermont County. These behind-the-scenes videos introduce you to some of our employees, all working for you.